Along with the millions of people fleeing the devastation in Ukraine a significant number of animals are being moved across borders into neighboring countries. Such movement carries the risk of exposure of transported animals to unfamiliar diseases as well as the danger of disease incursion into the countries of destination.
In horses, the diseases of greatest concern in this context are EIA (Equine Infectious Anemia) and Rabies. Vigilance is also warranted for Dourine, Piroplasmosis, Equine Influenza, EHV (Equine Herpes Virus), EVA (Equine Viral Arteritis), and Strangles.
FEEVA is aware of the problem that within the difficult circumstances, people may pass the border without horses’ health documents, sometimes in an illegal manner, and without the possibility to follow an appropriate quarantine period in the border country.
FEEVA will continue monitoring the horses’ movement and diseases situation in Ukraine and border countries