FEEVA statement Equine influenza vaccination

Equine Influenza (EI) is one of the most important horse diseases from both a health and economic standpoint. Regular vaccination is the cornerstone of outbreak prevention and control. EU medicines legislation (Article 106(1) of EU Regulation 2019/6) does not permit deviation from the specific product characteristics (SPCs) of commercially available EI vaccines which stipulate annual booster vaccination. However, based on several studies, many European and global regulatory bodies insist upon bi-annual EI booster vaccination as a condition of participation in competition. Other protocols which are at variance with vaccine SPCs may also be required to meet the criteria for international transport. This disconnect presents veterinarians with the impossible dilemma of compliance either with EU law or regulatory body requirements but not both. In the interests of clarity, fairness, and scientific best practice FEEVA calls upon legislators, regulators, and vaccine manufacturers to resolve this unworkable dichotomy at the earliest opportunity.

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