FEEVA in the EHN and MEP horse group annual meeting – Julius Peters, FEEVA president presented the “ONE HEALTH CONCEPT AND THE WELFARE OF EQUINES”

The President of the European Commission addressed the European Horse community in Brussels with an optimistic message

Mrs Hilde Vautmans, Member of the European Parliament and Chairwoman of the MEP Horse Group and the members of the European Horse Network welcomed Mrs Ursula von der Leyen at their annual conference

“We share the same passion for horses” were the introductory words of the President, “horsemanship is a culture, a knowledge and is part of our future”.

Mrs von der Leyen listed the three policies with important opportunities for the equine industry: the agriculture policy and green tourism, NextGenerationEU and the Green Deal.

The MEP Horse Group was founded in 2011 with the aim of bringing greater visibility to the horse sector on the European political agenda and Mrs Hilde Vautmans has done exactly that this year when protecting and supporting the equine industry and sport during the antimicrobial debate.Stefan Conter, Belgium breeder and trainer, insisted on the European leadership for sport that must be preserved by politicians and regulators by editing clear and simple rules as well as low taxation of equine activities.

Experts from the industry, Roly Owers from World Horse Welfare, Julius Peters representing the Equine Veterinarians, Paull Khan from the Horseracing authorities, showed how the equine sectors was impacted by the Covid crisis and the Brexit, heavily limiting the movement of horses for breeding and horseracing and sport competitions, as well as leisure activities. The review of the three main pieces of European legislation affecting equines (transport, welfare at farm and slaughter) opens the possibility to improve existing rules by including the latest scientific evidence and make them fit for purpose.

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