FEEVA GA November 2021 Online

05 November 2021, Online , Conference

On 5th November 2021, FEEVA had the FEEVA Annual General Assembly. Due to the ongoing pandemic situation, the conference was held online. During the meeting, the board members presented the activities supported by FEEVA in the last year and the programs for future activities. The Joint position paper "Best practice protocol for Euthanasia in horses" was discussed and adopted by the GA members.
The GA members elected three new board members to join the FEEVA board and FEEVA would like to welcome them!! Andrea Brignolo (Italy) , Anette Graf (Sweden) and Lucjan Witkowskit (Poland).
The new board selected the new FEEVA president, Julius Peters, and the new treasurer, Andrea Brignolo.
FEEVA would like to thank everybody who participated in the fruitful meeting and wishes for an in person meeting next year.