FEEVA animation on African Horse Sickness (AHS)
What is AHS?
- AHS is a frequently fatal disease of horses caused by infection with an Orbivirus with 9 serotypes (types 1-9), there is limited cross protection between most serotypes
- AHS virus is related to another Orbivirus called Bluetongue virus (BTV)
- The horse is the most susceptible equine species, followed by donkeys. Zebra are the least susceptible with the infection being largely subclinical
- AHS is considered endemic in sub-Saharan Africa but occasionally breaks out in other countries, most commonly following movement of infected zebra
Transmission AHS virus
- AHS is not directly contagious between horses and viral transmission is by biting Culicoides midges
- AHS virus is maintained in a cycle of infection between equine hosts (involving intrinsic viral incubation) and midge vectors (extrinsic viral incubation)
- Zebra are critical to the endemic maintenance of AHS in Africa
- Maintenance of AHS in non-endemic areas would probably require mechanisms for over-wintering of AHS virus
Clinical syndromes of AHS
- AHS virus is transferred to blood from infected biting midges, with viral replication in the regional draining lymph nodes
- Dissemination to the lungs, spleen and other lymph nodes is through a marked secondary viraemia leading to severe vascular permeability with disseminated haemorrhage and oedema
- There are four clinical syndromes associated with AHS
- Pulmonary form (‘Dunkop’), which presents as acute disease, fever, dyspnoea, sweating, pulmonary oedema, terminal frothy discharge (90% fatal)
- Cardiac form (‘Dikkop’), which presents as subacute disease, fever, oedema – head, neck, chest, supra-orbital fossa, conjunctivitis, +/- colic (50% fatal)
- Mixed form, which is as the name suggests a mixture of signs of Dunkop & Dikkop (80% fatal)
- Horse sickness fever, which is milder and non-fatal and occurs in partially immune animals, either by vaccine or following survival after natural infection
- Virus detection in blood or tissues (spleen, lung or lymph nodes), traditionally using virus isolation but now based on detecting viral RNA using reverse-transcription (RT) PCR
- Serological diagnoses can be made using virus neutralization (VN) test or ELISA detecting antibodies against viral protein 7 (VP7)
- World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) recommended tests are RT-PCR based on segment 8 (encoding VP7) and VP7 ELISA
Aims of AHS investigation and control in non-endemic areas
- Identify any suspect cases & determine if AHS positive as quickly as possible
- Eliminate AHS virus infection as quickly as possible to avoid spread to endemic midge vectors
- Determine the route of introduction of AHS virus (e.g. recent live animal import, transfer of infected vector)
- Regain AHS free status as soon as possible based on use of disease control zoning principles
Use of zones for AHS control
- Zones are declared on confirmation of disease, together comprising the Restricted Zone (RZ)
- Control Zone (CZ): at least 20km from infected premises (IP)
- Vaccination of all equidae permitted
- All suspect holdings under surveillance within the zone
- All movements prohibited
- Control Zone (CZ): at least 20km from infected premises (IP)
- Protection Zone (PZ): at least 100km from IP
- Vaccination of all Equidae may be permitted
- Surveillance Zone (SZ): at least another 50km
- No vaccination permitted
AHS vaccination
- The AHS vaccine currently used in South Africa is based on 7 live attenuated vaccine strains (polyvalent) presented as two separate injections (bottles 1 and 2) given at least 3 weeks apart before highest risk periods
- Bottle 1: serotypes 1, 3 and 4
- Bottle 2: serotypes 2, 6, 7 and 8
- Cross protection is conveyed between serotypes 6 and 9 and 8 and 5
- Viral surveillance has demonstrated recombinations between field and live-attenuated vaccine strains in South Africa
- So use of polyvalent live attenuated vaccine to control AHS in non-endemic areas may present issues in restoring AHS free status
- Safer, monovalent AHS vaccines with DIVA (differentiate infected from vaccinated animals) capability are required to assist effective control and eradication of AHS in non-endemic areas
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